essential oils

You can’t use therapeutic essential oils wrong - just put them on your skin or breathe in their molecules

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what are essential oils?

Essential oils are some of the most ancient and powerful wellness tools. They are the potent and highly concentrated "essence" of a plant, harnessed through distillation into liquid form. They can be distilled from flowers, leaves, shrubs, resins, roots, trees, bushes, and seeds. A pure essential oil can contain anywhere from 80 to 300+ chemical constituents which promote beneficial change. They can work to support every system of the human body, providing digestive, hormonal, and immune boost, support healthy brain function, increase oxygen levels, heighten mood and emotions, and much more.

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How do essential oils work?

Essential oils have a unique ability to penetrate cell membranes and diffuse throughout human tissues because of their lipid-soluble structure. They are also compatible with human proteins, allowing them to be easily identified and accepted by our bodies. Essential oils can enhance an atmosphere, purify the air, and produce negative ions to balance a stressful environment. An essential oil's ability to act on both the mind and body makes it unique among natural therapeutic agents. A properly grown, harvested and distilled essential oil contains important trace constituents which also play key factors. But an essential oil must be properly grown, harvested, and distilled to maximize its therapeutic or medicinal effect.

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Why use essential oils?

 Physical & Emotional Health: Essential oils are effective, natural, therapeutic agents which work beautifully with our bodies to help us achieve physical wellness and emotional balance. You can use them to target hormonal, sleep, skin, muscle, immune support, and more. Essential oils also directly stimulate the limbic system, which is in the center of the brain and controls our emotions, attitude, motivation, and more. Inhaling them will directly affect the emotional seat in our brains where traumatic memories are stored; and they can be wonderful in helping us unlock the subconscious, hidden patterns that hold us back from our full potential. I highly recommend pairing your essential oils with positive affirmations, breathwork, and meditation.

✲ Toxicity Epidemic: The amount of harmful chemicals that are found within our daily products is astounding. We are a society that relies on synthetic chemicals - whether it be in our personal care and cleaning products, medicines, foods, or home goods. The United States has little to no regulation on the toxic ingredients found in our environment. These ingredients include formaldehyde, petroleum, parabens, quaternium-15, PPD, talc, lead, avobenzone, and harmful fragrances - which make their way into countless cleaning and personal care products on our market; and are directly linked to cancer, infertility, hormone imbalance, headaches, skin issues, and more. Essential oils and essential oil infused products offer alternatives which are natural, nontoxic, recognizable by our bodies, and supportive to our systems.


how can essential oils be used?

When essential oils are trustworthy and certified, you can use them three different ways:

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inhaled through the nose

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applied to the skin

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taken orally by mouth


why young living?

I have been hooked on Young Living’s essential oils, supplements, and personal care products for over five years now!

Young Living's founder, Dr. Gary D. Young, is the original essential oil pioneer. He led the way in the modern day essential oil movement and in setting the standard for authentic therapeutic-grade oils. Other companies simply cannot catch up with the decades of research, testing, experience, and farming that Young Living offers. An essential oil label is meaningless without a tested quality control system in place. So many essential oils on the market are labeled as “100% Pure” without providing any support to back these claims.

The Seed to Seal standard ensures proper and superior seed choice, growing conditions, farming methods, harvesting, and distillation techniques. First and foremost, Young Living is a farming company. They will never purchase oils on the open market, like most companies, but ensure the plants themselves are healthy enough to produce the most therapeutically beneficial essential oils for our end use. Not only are their oils superior, but they offer non-toxic, essential oil infused products for every aspect of life.

I have visited Young Living’s farms twice and I am honored to be a brand partner with a company that has so much integrity & quality assurance.

Learn more


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